Patient Features |
It is totally FREE! |
You can schedule, cancel or check your appointments, 24hrs a day, seven days a week. |
Manage your entire family's appointments. |
247eAppointments provides an appointment list that is very easy to read and print. |
You can schedule appointments from anywhere in the world. |
Doctor Features |
Attracts new patients and builds loyalty through customer service improvement. |
It is intuitive: quick to learn and easy to use. |
Eliminates Scheduling Errors. |
Maximizes appointment efficiency and puts you in control of your scheduling- while boosting profitability. |
As it is a rule based system, you can customize it to fit your unique needs. |
Thank you for your interest in evaluating, to manage your healthcare appointmetns.
To view our online appointment scheduling system demo, please call one of our sales represetatives at: 248.853.7515 or complete
the form and some one will contact you to schedule one.